Cuneo 13 dicembre 2010.
Partiti due progetti elaborati da Confcooperative Cuneo per i volontari in Servizio Civile
“Serendipity 2010 (Cuneo)” e “Drago volante 2010 (Cuneo)” sono i due progetti di Servizio Civile elaborati da Confcooperative Cuneo. I giovani sono stati inseriti nelle cooperative sociali accreditate come The implementation of the project.
projects, lasting one year, involving a social co-member Confcooperative Cuneo spread throughout the province.
"Flying Dragon 2010 (Cuneo)" enables young people to participate in a support to improve services and activities aimed at disabled users. Cooperatives participating in this project are located in Cuneo, Villanova Mondovi, Alba, Bra, Busca and operate residential services (group homes and apartment groups), day care centers, rehabilitation services and support for physical disability, education services to the culture of diversity.
"Serendipity 2010 (Cuneo)" instead of allowing young people to participate in a support to improve services and activities aimed at users within the child. Cooperatives participating in this project are located in Cuneo, San Rocco Castagnaretta, Borgo San Dalmazzo, Genola, Vagienna Well, educational services and manage land, residential learning communities, educational and recreational centers for children.
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