Elis Tisi, President of
Confcooperative-Federsolidarietà Piedmont, had no doubts on December 1 greeted the 220 young people a year take place at the social cooperatives participating in the federation, their years of service Civil. "You are the real resource against this crisis, we must all together again from you, but really - called Tisi -. But first you must have a horizon, values, motivations of reference - he continued - even compared to the time that you have made a conscious decision to devote next to us and specifically to those who have a harder time, children, elderly, disabled, people with mental disorders, etc. ..
Here then is a concrete proposal - said Tisi - a task. To read in the coming days our Italian Constitution, where I believe you will discover with astonishment the timeliness of decisions made by our founding fathers to give not only an organization but also soul to our country. For the young at the conclusion of the President Tisi urged to be active citizens and responsible citizens who become actors and not spectators of the construction of our daily life of society, has donated a copy of the Constitution printed for the occasion with his short commentary highlights some important aspects in relation to the Civil Service, including Article 2 where for the recognition and guarantee of fundamental human rights and the fulfillment of the duties of solidarity compelling economic and social policy.
Article 3, as laid down in the task of creating the Republic le condizioni attraverso cui garantire il pieno
sviluppo della persona umana e l’effettiva partecipazione di tutti i
lavoratori all’organizzazione politica, sociale ed economica del
Paese. E infine gli articoli 4 e 118 che prevedono rispettivamente il dovere
di ogni cittadino di svolgere un’attività o una funzione che concorra al
progresso materiale o spirituale della società e il principio di sussidiarietà
che favorisce l’autonoma iniziativa dei cittadini singoli o associati.
Confcooperative-Federsolidarietà Piedmont, had no doubts on December 1 greeted the 220 young people a year take place at the social cooperatives participating in the federation, their years of service Civil. "You are the real resource against this crisis, we must all together again from you, but really - called Tisi -. But first you must have a horizon, values, motivations of reference - he continued - even compared to the time that you have made a conscious decision to devote next to us and specifically to those who have a harder time, children, elderly, disabled, people with mental disorders, etc. ..
Here then is a concrete proposal - said Tisi - a task. To read in the coming days our Italian Constitution, where I believe you will discover with astonishment the timeliness of decisions made by our founding fathers to give not only an organization but also soul to our country. For the young at the conclusion of the President Tisi urged to be active citizens and responsible citizens who become actors and not spectators of the construction of our daily life of society, has donated a copy of the Constitution printed for the occasion with his short commentary highlights some important aspects in relation to the Civil Service, including Article 2 where for the recognition and guarantee of fundamental human rights and the fulfillment of the duties of solidarity compelling economic and social policy.
Article 3, as laid down in the task of creating the Republic le condizioni attraverso cui garantire il pieno
sviluppo della persona umana e l’effettiva partecipazione di tutti i
lavoratori all’organizzazione politica, sociale ed economica del
Paese. E infine gli articoli 4 e 118 che prevedono rispettivamente il dovere
di ogni cittadino di svolgere un’attività o una funzione che concorra al
progresso materiale o spirituale della società e il principio di sussidiarietà
che favorisce l’autonoma iniziativa dei cittadini singoli o associati.
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