source: December 10: The Central Cooperative compact "enough for the dumping. Illegal employment contracts Unci "
Confcooperative Legacoop Agci: The Republic of the complaint on our complaint is fake cooperatives. It serves an extraordinary commitment of the bodies that control the dumping to hit the contract.
In reference to the service on false cooperatives published today by "La Repubblica", the Presidents of Confcooperative, Luigi Marino, Legacoop, Giuliano Poletti, and Agci, Rosario Altieri, spread the following notice:
"The complaint rises from the pages of La Repubblica has been for years, in all locations and all levels, our complaint. We are pleased that an influential newspaper devotes considerable space that makes us feel less alone in our battle to the false cooperation and dumping, which create a bad economy that kills the good shade to the sound cooperation and do not do justice to the social function Economic protected by Article 45 of the Constitution held by tens of thousands of cooperatives, beyond the specific case studies, the enhancement of "Made in Italy nell'agroalimentare; the provision of credit, distribution, business services, the Pa and families and in welfare, in the production work in the home and in transport. "
'The cooperatives that are born at night comfortable in the studies of some accountants and then quit after a few months, sometimes a few days then reborn under another name, in the guise of an alleged mutual aid, co-operatives working on the largest discount in the face Chart contractual cooperative spirit cloaked in mutual and subsidiary, but in fact operating in a criminal and fraudulent: pirate these forms of entrepreneurship have always been the number one enemy of genuine cooperation. "
"The problem is compounded when you add the fake cooperatives races at the highest decrease of PA collusion with the guilty, the poor controls and practice, as illegal organizations co-operatives of dubious representation, such as Unci, claiming to subsidiarity and mutuality, then applying pseudo - employment contracts for members of their cooperative workers. Contracts decreed, only a few weeks ago, unconstitutional by the Labour Court of Turin, damaging because Article 36 of the Constitution since the employment contract of porterage 40 hours per week, was paid approximately 670 € net per month with a drastic Cutting labor costs equal to 31.38%.
"This practice has nothing to do with sound cooperation which, we repeat, is the vast majority of Italian Cooperation, the index of mutuality è reale, tangibile. Nelle 20.400 cooperative aderenti a Confcooperative, nelle 14.500 aderenti alla Legacoop e nelle 8.000 dell’Agci le imprese a mutualità prevalente superano ampiamente il 95%».
«Confcooperative, Legacoop e Agci, da sole non ce la fanno a combattere il dumping. Abbiamo siglato l’Accordo comune con i ministeri del Lavoro e dello Sviluppo Economico, con Cigl, Cisl e Uil nel 2007. Abbiamo concorso alla nascita di oltre 100 Osservatori provinciali finalizzati a contrastare il dumping. Solo qualche settimana fa il ministero del Lavoro in una circolare, che abbiamo apprezzato, ha ribadito la necessità di mirare meglio e intensificare i controlli e applicare i contratti di lavoro siglati dalle centrali cooperative comparatively representative requirement, this excluding the Unci. Something moved, but we are far from having been satisfactorily resolved. "
"We can make agreements, circulars, but if the institutions responsible for supervision are not doing their job all the way the battle is unequal and dumping the contract made by fraudulent false cooperatives and enterprises in general, because it is good to point out that other types of businesses to contribute to dumping, is a phenomenon that will grow and the healthy firms out of the market where thousands of directors, shareholders and employees are the barricades, every day to address the crisis bites, the delayed payments by the PA who have reached the sums (60 - 70 billion) and time (with peaks up to 700 days) levels intolerable and unworthy of civilized countries and destructive to the economy. "
"We will continue to do our work alongside our co-operatives. And we as a civil party in judicial proceedings such as those of Turin, where the cooperative is misused, abused its legal form, you will damage his reputation. "