Friday, November 26, 2010

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ISTAT: DISOCCUPAZIONE +15% La fotografia della società italiana scattata dall'Istat ritrae una nazione più vecchia e multietnica


L'Istat scatta la fotografia della società italiana
nell'Annuario 2010 statistics released today. The analysis focuses on the evolution of many economic phenomena, cultural and social of the country: from school to family, from work to cultural consumption, from transport to save money. (more. ..)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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1 dicembre 2010: 220 volontari del Servizio Civile e la Costituzione italiana

On 1 December at the House Cooperation in France over 329 in Turin, 220 young inaugurate the beginning of his experience at the Civil Service social cooperatives Federsolidarietà Piedmont. Elis Tisi, the chairman of the association that aggregates Confcooperative 360 \u200b\u200bcooperatives in social services, social welfare, social, health and job placement, has wanted to take this opportunity to officially meet these volunteers, who have decided to dedicate a year of their lives working alongside the most vulnerable people in society.
During the Elis Tisi deliver to every young person a copy of the Constitution printed by Federsolidarietà.
The decision to give the Constitution comes from the fact that in its pages "the young, and not only can find many reasons for the sense of the Civil Service but also and above all, being a citizen in our country today, in other words our pact of democratic citizenship. From these principles - concluded Tisi - emerges the ultimate meaning of the commitment of those who consciously choose to carry an experience of Civil Service in our social cooperatives, to be active and responsible citizens, who become actors and not spectators of the building of our daily life of society. "

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Andrea Galiazzo debuted in Iseo in the ranks of Turin Basketball, he is the last engagement in biancoblù house in a desperate attempt to make sense of a season that so far sees no victory.

Galiazzo was, last year, top scorer in the B Group C of amateurs, the ranks of Arezzo, is a guard, class of 1983, with varied experiences in the minors, from C1 to B1.

Since last Thursday he trained with the team's coach Carbone, with la quale ha esordito nello scorso week end realizzando 19 punti.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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December 10, "public authorities and social cooperation. Local public services and governance policies "
Federsolidarietà - Confcooperative organizes December 10, 2010 in Rome at the Palace of cooperation, Via Torino, n. 146 is a professional seminar on the contract of services to social cooperation work inclusion entitled "Public authorities and social cooperation. Local public services and governance policies. "
The initiative is aimed to deepen the development of the regulatory framework of local public services in relation to new legislation and national case law and community.
The seminar will deal with issues relating to the scope and procedures for the award by the government, social cooperatives job placement. Also will look at best practices and regional federations of the consortium system. It will thus starting a process of analysis of possible means of expectations for local public services. For the conditions of participation you can contact the Organizing Secretariat of the Federation (06-68000476).
download the program.


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News dal blog di Federsolidarietà nazionale “La cooperazione sociale per l’inserimento lavorativo”

continues with assistance from the value of blog Federsolidarietà " Social cooperation for the employment .

This week:
- shortcuts for the integration : reflections on England that affects the benefits to the inclusion in work activities
- alliances, networks, relationships : What strategic relationships for cooperation to find work people disadvantaged
- placement, market, company : strengths and weaknesses of the cooperative venture on the market that B (with a comment Valerio Luterotti)
- What tools for the transition? political and organizational decisions to facilitate the transition from ordinary cooperative social enterprises.
- Of note two comments (1 and 2) Post Most read last week that job placement and labor policies .
An invitation to attend and comment on the blog .


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Agrigento (girone B, A Dil.)in questi giorni sta provando l'atleta piemontese Paolo Mossi , originario di Canelli, lo scorso anno in maglia Rieti.

Mossi è atleta di esperienza, avendo calcato con successo i parquet di mezza Italia ed ora proverà a dare una mano alla squadra che tra le sue file annovera un altro piemontese: Squarcina.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Federsolidarietà Piemonte: Nel 2009 l’occupazione non cala ma a costo di molti sacrifici

"Cooperation in 2009 reacted to the crisis - said the president of Piedmont Confcooperative Juvenal Gerbaudo , 1,100 member cooperatives in the region of which 360 social cooperatives - in fact, has optimized the internal factors, continuando a garantire servizi e occupazione, ma alcuni elementi esterni, quali i ritardi nei pagamenti e i mancati adeguamenti tariffari, possono determinare per le cooperative sociali il rischio che si entri in una fase di crisi strutturale".

"L’allarme lanciato in questi ultimi due anni dalla nostra cooperazione sociale piemontese sulle difficoltà della crisi sta emergendo con chiarezza anche dai dati di bilancio". Con preoccupazione, Elide Tisi, presidente di Federsolidarietà Piemonte, la federazione a cui aderiscono le cooperative sociali di Confcooperative, commenta l’analisi realizzata dal Centro Studi regionale di Confcooperative sui bilanci 2009. E’ stato analizzato un campione pari al 30% delle 360 cooperative To date members, of which 60% are type A, ie deliver services to people (children, families, children, elderly, disabled, psychiatric, drug users) and 40% type B, whose mission is job placement disadvantaged people.

continues the negative trend of 2008 on the outcome of operations: in 2009 23% of cooperatives has a negative performance, against 19% in 2008 and 12% in 2007. It confirmed the projection of Federsolidarietà Piedmont, shown in May 2010, relatively higher incidence of labor costs on turnover (64.2% in 2009, 60.4% in 2008, 59.7% in 2007) as a result of 'increase labor cost is not compensated by adequate tariff increases.

For cooperatives are unacceptable long delays in payments by the PA that, year after year, continue to grow and in 2009 came to an average of 153 days from date of invoice, with peaks up to 365, against 110 in 2008 and that they brought with them an increase in short that reached + 280% over the previous year.

You can not hide the fact that these data are very discouraging - highlights Tisi - especially at a time in which management of the system of welfare services in Piedmont can not be left at the mercy of reality that have nothing to do with true cooperation, and in turn, to survive, they use tools to dumping. Also because survival can no longer be the only goal for our associates. Our cooperation has in fact tried to act with again in the middle of the working members and citizens who use our services. He in fact used, where possible, their financial reserves or attempted, using the laws of 2004, 23 regional and 18 in 1994 to strengthen its capital (+4.56% in 2009 compared to 2008) and to develop virtuous paths innovation and reorganization, even using elements of contract law and corporate affairs, unable to avoid impact on employment (Given the job has remained fairly constant: about 17 000 workers are between shareholders and employees, of whom over 1200 belonging to disadvantaged groups, declared under the law 381/91, with a feminine presence that exceeds 70%). He also found enhanced the action of raising more than ever necessary to strengthen existing services, are no longer sustainable because of the inadequacy of the rates approved by the public, mobilizing private resources and putting into practice the constitutional principles of subsidiarity.

In other words, our associates have, together with our federation, accepted the challenge of the crisis on the horizon but the overall situation of this sector Economic and social is not improving. The national economic survey Confcooperative on the forecast of the third quarter 2010 show negative expectations for the coming months and with reference to employment, in terms of turnover. The same opinion is the note on the economic cooperatives in the province of Turin (50% of social cooperatives are members of Federsolidarietà Piemonte Torino) prepared by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin in the second quarter of 2010 shows that the balance between statements of increase and decrease in turnover has a negative sign for the co-operation of type A, amounting to - 2.5% versus the first quarter of 2010. Always the same note highlights that, as regards the cooperation of type B, the estimated revenue in the second half of 2010, compared to the first, have a negative balance equal to -5.6%.

The data shown here - ends Tisi - leave no doubt. While we are faced with the desire of our companies to withstand the crisis, the other the context in which work is rich in elements that limit the keeping and recovery. And 'therefore necessary that each one according to his ability to intervene to prevent this area are from one day to properly use the heavy layoffs, still very low: in fact today in Piemonte our demands were concerned solely with 25 jobs. "

should strengthen all these instruments are already at the regional level, such as laws 23/04 and 18/94, which in 2009 helped to address specific situations. Should continue at all levels, including institutional, to invest in welfare. This is indeed an area which not only provides services to the population, but it can become a special area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment and employment. In addition, we consider it essential, at this time of crisis, strengthen the confidence of public authorities to co-operatives type B that fit to work for disadvantaged people, giving them the dignity of work, avoiding the increase in welfare costs and harmonizing instruments on the whole region.

E 'must then continue on the path of cooperation and the building of a community welfare with private foundations and banks, with other third sector organizations and trade unions.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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In Progress Nuovo programma di seminari promossi da Federsolidarietà-Confcooperative Piemonte.

begins with the month of November a new initiative of seminars sponsored by Federsolidarietà - Piedmont Confcooperative entitled "In progress "that aims to be continuously updated, with respect to cooperative social web, tools that can be useful to address the complexities that emerge daily, with more clarity in this time of crisis of Italy, and more specifically of the welfare system.
The first seminar to be held Wednesday, November 10 at the House of cooperation, Torino 329 in France, from 14 hours up to 17:30, will be devoted to financial instruments in support of social cooperatives.
Participants: Elis Tisi, President Regional Federsolidarietà, Giancarlo Berti, Secretary General Confcooperative Piedmont, Susan Barreca, Expert of the Piedmont Region in support of business including co-operatives, Ludovica Collapse, Office of Third Sector and Social Cooperation in the Region Piemonte, Giovanni Russo, Membro comitato territoriale soci Coperfidi.

Modera Luca Facta, Direttore Federsolidarietà-Confcooperative Piemonte.


Monday, November 8, 2010

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La rete is the primary cooperative

Mario Sacco presidente di FederazioneSanità Piemonte, la neonata federazione che in Confcooperative rappresenta le cooperative farmaceutiche e sanitarie 

Torino, 5 novembre. Si è costituita stamane FederazioneSanità Piemonte, la federazione che in Confcooperative rappresenterà le cooperative di medici, farmaceutiche e sanitarie dell'associazione.

Con l'occasione sono stati eletti gli organi sociali che guideranno la federazione per i prossimi quattro anni. Le cooperative hanno eletto presidente Mario Sacco, già presidente di Confcooperative Asti.

Mario Sacco ha ringraziato per la fiducia accordatagli, e ha espresso il proprio impegno per l'attuazione del progetto federativo "La rete dell'assistenza primaria è cooperativa", con cui la cooperazione del settore si candida ad essere uno dei protagonisti del sistema sanitario regionale, in uno spirito di collaborazione e di miglioramento del sistema stesso.

"Aderiscono alla federazione appena costituita importanti realtà, sono cooperative di medici, sanitarie e farmaceutiche - queste ultime raggruppano 1.500 farmacie nella regione - esse costituiranno un network che opererà insieme all'insegna della sussidiarietà".

Tra i temi centrali del progetto della federazione la promozione di consorzi territoriali tra operatori sanitari, farmacisti e medici per l'assistenza domiciliare e i presidi di prossimità, in forte interlocuzione e alleanza con le ASL.

Il presidente di Confcooperative Piemonte Giovenale Gerbaudo ha evidenziato l'occasione storica per la cooperazione, che sempre ha saputo cogliere e rispondere ai bisogni espressi dalla società attraverso l'autogestione cooperativa.

Giuseppe Milanese, presidente nazionale di FederazioneSanità, ha sottolineato quanto il sistema italiano, gratuito e trasversale, sia assolutamente to be supported, and how cooperation can, within this, propose to renew "those threads of society who are lost, because it comes from a story that is not intended to profit." He chaired the work
Elis Tisi, President of Piedmont Federsolidarietà, who greeted with satisfaction the creation of a new strategic entity for personal services, hoping for a strong integration between health and social activities of the federation and those of his FederazioneSanità.

Pictured Mario Sacco President of Piedmont FederazioneSanità

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November 5: Federsolidarietà - Confcooperative launches blog

Party on the Green Paper discussion on the Green Paper "The social cooperatives for work integration "Federsolidarietà-Confcooperative of a participatory process by co-workers, the Federation bodies, non-profit organizations, business representatives and institutions that will lead within a few months to a White Paper.

The Green Paper contains analysis and reflection on issues relating to the inclusion of people with special difficulties employment. The objective of the Green Paper is to get to propose a new agenda and political strategy to support the development of social cooperatives to employment, to withstand the challenges that changes in social and economic relations will put them in the near future. The paper concludes, in fact, a number of proposals at European, national and local levels on the means for attaining those goals. The proposals concern is the widening of the categories of disadvantaged under the present law 381/91, and proposals to promote the integration of disadvantaged workers in the open labor market after completing their training period in the cooperative.

E 'active Blogs of the book Green , where cooperators can participate directly in the discussion. They will be scheduling the next few weeks at regional and national initiatives.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

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Cari amici lettori, avete ancora 25 giorni di tempo per votare lo sportivo del mese della nostra Regione; se siete appassionati di pallacanestro avete un motivo in più per farlo perchè tra i candidati figura Cristiano Masper, atleta della PMS Basketball.

Dove votare?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Civil.Mente is a cycle of films and documentaries that stems from the joint degree in inter-professional education - University of Turin Association Baretti, Documè, Confcooperative Turin Kairos consortium and in collaboration with the Centre on the economy of the Civil Chamber of Commerce of Turin.

In the bill are expected 2 movies, raining cows and El Contestant - unusual in Italy - 3 and documentaries, Alimentation Général , Grissinopoli , Valentina Postika waiting to leave, intending to offer the general public a look at the world of civil economy, commonly known as non-profit or third sector.

The business calendar Turin is a really important yet little known by the public: a constellation of hundreds of social cooperatives, social promotion associations, charities, foundations, working every day to build a society that is more sensitive to the needs of the population, in which citizens actors are responsible and aware.

Each event will be introduced and followed by a comparison with the public in order to accompany the viewer on a wide path of knowledge of the different themes and begin a process of reflection on possible alternatives the present way of understanding the human and economic relations.

The economic crisis has shattered the socio-economic balances in the western world and launched a general difficulty in being where you need to understand if words like participation, community, membership it still makes sense and how they can possibly ridefininirsi for be more effective in contemporary society.

Throughout human history, the crisis has emerged thanks to the strength of civil society, able to find within it the moral and physical strength to rise again: for this reason becomes important to look at "social" as a food necessario nelle nostre vite. 

Oggi esiste già un modo nuovo di intendere il welfare, in cui le persone, liberamente organizzate in imprese cooperative e in altre forme di cittadinanza attiva, partecipano fianco a fianco alla progettazione e alla costruzione del benessere comune: è questo nuovo modo, questo nuovo mondo, che Civil.Mente proverà a raccontare. 

fonte: Ufficio Stampa Civil.Mente