belts and bracelets
As I promised here are some bracelets and belt; some facts in these days of burning hot. In fact work is not easy, but when you take the creative impulse must respond promptly to the call, no heat or heat.
The bracelets are made to introduce you to my adorable little polymer clay, I work for a loving one, no two are alike. To be honest I just can not make two the same, even if you ask me. One of the bracelets is simply mounted on an elastic thread, while another Perlon I joined the line of silver beat (by hand, by me) in rings and pendants.
The strap, thin, simple, but effective, are easy to produce.
I used strings of waxed cotton, crocheted as follows:
games with a chain basis of the length of the circumference of your hips (or life, depending on where you want to wear the belt), leaving a foot of wire at the beginning, turn the work and run four chains and a high point in a chain of base jumping, keep working a chain and a high point, skipping is always a foundation chain (such as work filet). At the end of the strip close leaving another thirty inches of floss.
Now cut another 60 cm of waxed cotton cord, doppiatelo and insert the other end of the belt, at the end of the work, thus creating two additional thirty-two fringes cm each.
Now cut a piece of rope piping in matching color, the length of the entire belt, including fringes, plus a few cm. Put the mouse's tail and out of the filet by adding small holes here and the pearls of your choice. When you have completed all the straps, secured with two knots both ends, fringed and decorated with beads or crystals to taste.
Finished. I've christened the
bolas belts, because if someone is annoying you can remove the belt above his head and throwing rotearla ankles: spinning pearls tangled around the feet of the victim causing him to fall to the ground broken, as happens to the calves (poverini! ) in the Argentine grasslands.
Seriously how cute they are also lariat (necklace-scarf).
Hello and good fun.
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