Friday, January 28, 2011

Skate Online


The Comark Treviglio has developed its purchase in 2011, this is Richard Castelli , cuneese classe 1988 proveniente dalla LegaDue di Casalpusterlengo.
Con questo innesto aumentano le rotazioni per coach Lottici che potrà cosi contare su
un' ala dalle spiccate doti tecniche.
Castelli ha vestito anche la maglia di Asti quando questa militava in B1.

Snark Sunchaser Prices

presented the XVII Seminar on "Public powers and Social Cooperation": on line acts


Pubblicati gli atti del Seminario dal titolo "Pubblici poteri e Cooperazione Sociale" organizzato da Federsolidarietà e tenutosi lo scorso 20 gennaio a Roma .

Per scaricare il documento clicca qui

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alt Azimuth Mount North



Friday, February 4 - via Andreis, 18 int.25 - Torino

inauguration in the presence of Sergio Chiamparino, Mayor of Turin,
SER Mgr. Nosiglia Caesar, Archbishop of Turin

17:40 pm buffet and tour of the facility will also be possible
a guided tour starting at 16.

Info: Arsenal of Peace 011.4368566 - 011.9741757 Nido Dialogue -

read on the article published in La Stampa on February 5

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oral Disease Doctors?

Workshop "Public powers and Social Cooperation"

source: www.

Greater participation in the seminar "Public authorities and social cooperation. public services and local governance policies, organized by Federsolidarietà on 20 January. Cooper and Cooper have reached Rome from all regions of Italy for the first of a series of initiatives that the association expected for 2011. I

Guerini the President, in opening the proceedings, said that the day was the result of an in-depth and long few months that began during the assembly of March 2010, collecting some of the stresses On that occasion, the social cooperatives had been raised.

"social cooperatives - the President says - live in the market and the market, but emphasize the principles of competition at the expense of social inclusion means that politically is decided that the disadvantaged workers are expendable on the altar of free competition. "

The speakers have attracted great interest, emphasizing social cooperatives can continue to play a leading role in relations with the territory, as has been until now. E 'must make an effort to renewed dialogue with local institutions, based on the guarantee of the quality of results and the reliability of the procedures.

concludes Guerini, thanking all the speakers and do cooperate, "the choice of social cooperation and the instruments that can enhance the trust assets are not a quick way to simplify the procedures, but a deliberate way to go with motivated attention. "

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Apply For Music Permit From Cta


Omegna si regala un nuovo giocatore per questo 2011: si tratta di Fabio Marcante , proveniente da Pavia.
Dopo le voci che volevano Rombaldoni molto vicino alla Paffoni, as stated on these pages recently, the company has tacked on an element of undisputed value, eager to try one of the top floors of the category.
Marcante is a versatile player, for the team with his great skills to penetrate and smuggler, to take the place of the injured Omegna Picazo.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Patty Cake In Little Black Dress

SOCIALDI '. Subsidiarity in Times of Crisis

again this year with the organization of Socialdì the Third Sector Forum in Piedmont aims to support the reflection of our organizations on the subject as sensitive as current as decline subsidiarity in this difficult phase of history, and consequently, the role assigned to the various subjects of the Third Sector in the relationship with civil society, with the world economy and institutions.
There is a need to reinvent ways and in fact trails and discover the most authentic and profound value of voluntary associations, of social cooperation, recognizing the ability of citizens to freedom and responsibility to take care of their communities.
E 'institutions also need to be able to recognize all the various players in our country today contribute to the construction of the welfare and support them, as required by our Constitution.

The initiative will take place January 24 from 9.00 am to 13.30 pm at the Piedmont Regional Council - Hall Viglione, 15 Via Alfieri in Turin.

Elis Tisi, Spokesperson for the Third Sector in Piedmont

Getting Master Lock Combination

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Blueprints


The Association promotes the shop as possible for Monday, January 17, 2011 ore 9:00 to 17:30, at the Hall of SMAT, Viale Maestri del Lavoro 41 (Corso Unità d'Italy) - Turin, The seminar

The associated model that we want to defend
Piedmont advanced a reality in the management of social services

Monday, January 10, 2011

Antique Slide Projectors


A short statement posted on its website, the PMS Basketball announced that he had dismissed as head coach Antonio Arioli, one of the architects of the historic ride from C to A Regional Amateur.

will Comazzi to Stefano drive, we believe at the moment, the ZeroUno to the next race in Recanati, until the Company decides who will take the place of the previous coach.

Arioli with colors gialloblù won three promotions (c2-c1, c1-b2 and b2-b1).