Sunday, October 25, 2009

How To Build A Penny Boat Aluminum Foil

The Acacia honey hazelnut oil, a tasty ally at the table ... and more! Baci di Dama

What the hazelnut is a staple at the base of many delicacies is not new: Gianduja cream, lady's kisses, cakes hazelnuts and biscuits are really essential goodies that have the power to make us mouth-watering at the thought.

L ' hazelnut oil, then , is known among gourmets sought as seasoning to give a refined touch to many culinary delights: be it fish and shellfish rather than raw meat, cut threads, which are combined with soft cheeses and salads rather than the most delicious risotto, hazelnut oil has no rival.

But there's more: the benefits of this delicately flavored sauce, in fact, go even to the benefit of our health .

The hazelnut oil is very effective for lower levels of bad cholesterol : on the other hand nuts are rich in Omega 3 and Omega-6, calcium, vitamins A, E and B group, resulting in recommendations diets that require a high intake of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants.

For these properties, but also for its emollient and soothing qualities the hazelnut oil is suitable for sensitive skin with a tendency to 'dry eczema, acne, wrinkles, stretch marks and scars no coincidence is used since antiquity as the basis to prepare creams, masks and wraps, as well as invigorating massage action.

short, call the guilt! In addition to delight the palate of hazelnut oil also has many virtues: some sin of gluttony, then, is entirely lawful ...

Scopri gli altri prodotti della Maison della Nocciola Piemonte

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Una delle più conosciute ed apprezzate specialità della pasticceria piemontese, anch'essa ricca di tradizione, è il Bacio di Dama , formato da due biscotti alla nocciola di forma rotonda, uniti insieme da un goloso strato di cioccolato fondente.

La Maison della Nocciola Piemonte ha di recente iniziato la produzione dei Baci di Dama alla Nocciola Piemonte IGP, incartati singolarmente come little jewels all to enjoy, to be kissed taste wraparound hazelnut from the Langhe.

Ingredients: Piedmont hazelnuts (24%), wheat flour, sugar, butter, dark chocolate 10%, eggs. Net weight 225 gr.

See more products of Maison of Piedmont Hazelnut

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ashaway Badminton Racquets

Crema Gianduja Hazelnuts

One of the Piedmontese specialty confectionery and most appreciated all over the world is Gianduja Cream representing a unique product, the quale è difficile resistere.

Priva di conservanti e grassi aggiunti, questa crema è composta solo da ingredienti naturali accuratamente selezionati, priva di OGM.

La Crema Gianduja è un prodotto classico della Maison della Nocciola Piemonte .

Ingredienti: Nocciole Piemonte IGP (52%), zucchero di canna, cacao, latte in polvere, burro di cacao, lecitina di soia, vaniglia.

Scopri gli altri prodotti della Maison della Nocciola Piemonte